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Author Profile - Katherine Formosa Bown

Katherine Formosa Bown is a Marketing Consultant from Wales. She was diagnosed with breast cancer at 33 years old with Stage 1, Grade 3 breast cancer in February 2009, after finding a lump in her breast whilst on honeymoon. She wrote 'Your Guide Through Her Breast Cancer Journey' to help friends and family members of breast cancer diagnosed women, giving advice and tips from her experience. 


“Since being diagnosed in 2009, I’ve regularly been asked by newly diagnosed women for tips and information on my experience. I’ve also been there to support friends and family members of recently diagnosed women, giving them an insight into my experience and how they could offer their support. I’m sure you can imagine; the news is shocking enough to take in, never mind where to start and what to do next. So I wrote this book as the essential guide!”


Katherine Formosa Bown, Author

Follow Katherine on Twitter @formosa_bown

Your Guide Through Her Breast Cancer Journey By Katherine Formosa Bown
ISBN 9780957383807
Published by Urban Traffic Publishing​

Available on paperback and Kindle edition


Back Page Text:

If someone you love and care about has just been diagnosed with breast cancer and you’re feeling a little helpless, scared and not sure what to do next, then this is the book for you.


‘Your Guide Through Her Breast Cancer Journey’ will provide you with what you need to know right now.


Everything from diagnosis and treatment to coming out the other end and most importantly, this book explains clearly how you can make a difference.


Written by a recent breast cancer survivor, this book will give you first hand information on how you can support her with easy-to-understand explanations, tips and advice so you can be there every step of the way for the person that you love.


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